Simply Ecology: Comprehensive service.
Simply Ecology undertakes a wide range of ecological advisory work.
Habitat Surveys : Phase 1, Extended Phase 1 and National Vegetation Classification. Site surveys through to report production and recommendations.
Wildlife Surveys : Conducting protected species surveys and providing client advice. Survey expertise includes: bats, badger, birds, great crested newt, otter, red squirrel, reptiles, water vole and white-clawed crayfish.
Mapping : Production of fully digitised habitat layers in MapInfo and Arcview GIS formats and maps for reports, such as Phase 1 habitat mapping.
Site Assessment : Conducting scoping studies and ecological assessment, BREEAM, ecological impact assessment as part of an EIA or Assessment of Likely Significant Effect and Appropriate Assessment for European sites.
Reports and the Planning process : Highly experienced in producing reports for the conservation sector. Full liaison with the client throughout the planning and development process, including on-site supervision of works and toolbox talks.
Mitigation and restoration : Designing mitigation, habitat creation and habitat restoration proposals in order to maximize the conservation features of each site.